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Parent’s Dental Phobias May Be Passed On To Their Children ,

Parent’s Dental Phobias May Be Passed On To Their Children

If you are a parent, you are already aware of the fact that children tend to mimic many of their parent’s views and actions. That is why we have to be careful what we do and say in front of our children.  If you have ever used the expression “do what I say and not…

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What Your Breath Is Telling You About Your Dental Health

It is normal to experience bad breath occasionally, especially after eating foods such as  garlic or onions.  This can be easily corrected by eating a breath mint, chewing gum, or even better, by flossing and brushing your teeth after eating these types of foods.  Sometimes it is just a matter of rinsing your mouth out…

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Whiter Teeth For The Holiday Season

So your office holiday party is coming up in a few weeks.  This is the perfect time to impress your new boss and to celebrate another great year with your coworkers.  You have secured a presentable date, bought a fabulous new dress and shoes, scheduled a manicure and have been eating right and exercising daily.…

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Clear Braces: Are They Right For Me?

If you are unhappy with the appearance of your smile and are wondering if clear braces are right for you, read on.  Clear Braces are an advanced orthodontic procedure that offers adults and teens a way to achieve straighter teeth and a more beautiful smile without having to put up with a mouth full of…

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Health News Article- Midnight Snacking and Tooth Loss

Article Title: Midnight Snacking, Eating After Dinner Linked to Tooth Loss Article Source: Article Review: Through this health news article, researchers investigated the link between midnight snacking and tooth loss.  Researchers found that individuals who tend to snack more after dinner face more weight gain along with an increase in tooth decay and loss.…

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Common Habits That Negatively Affect Your Dental Health

Tooth loss is still a very big problem for many Americans.  You may be surprised to hear that twenty -five percent of Americans over the age of sixty-five have lost all of their teeth.  That is not good news, especially since Americans are living longer and longer these days.  Practicing good oral hygiene such as…

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Comfort at the Dentist’s Office

A More Comfortable Dental Experience You know that you need to book a dentist appointment, but do not want to pick up the phone and call the dentist’s office.  You never look forward to the visits.  The offices are loud, you can smell mouthwash and fluoride, and you wish that you could just wish away…

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Natural Ways To Get Whiter Teeth

Whitening your teeth can have a dramatic affect on your overall appearance.  Surveys reveal that one of the first things people notice about you is your smile.  Your smile makes a dramatic first impression, and you only have one opportunity to make a good first impression. So what can you do to get whiter teeth?…

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Quick Ways to Improve Your Smile

Enhancing Your Smile You wake up, ready to jump into your routine.  A sunrise bike ride followed by breakfast and reading the newspaper.  You make your way to the shower to get ready for your day at work. As you look into the mirror, you sigh.  “I just wish that I could enhance my smile,”…

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The Cost of Dental Implants Vs. Other Replacement Options

If you have considered dental implants in the past to replace missing teeth but ended up going with another replacement option due to cost, you are not alone.  Many adults choose temporary or removable tooth replacement options such as dentures, partials and bridges over dental implants because of the difference in cost.  If you take…

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