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at dentist office
What can I expect on my first visit?
Your initial appointment will include an exam and x-rays if needed. We like to be thorough on your first visit, so it may take up to two hours to complete; please plan accordingly. If you have periodontal disease or need additional treatment, there is often the option to complete these treatments the same day. However, some days are busier, in which case you will be scheduled to come back as soon as possible. We also offer a complimentary benefits check if you file with insurance, so you are aware of all your benefits.
Where can I park my car?
Before 5 pm, parking is located in front of the office; the spots you may park in have a reserved sign. After 5 pm, we offer complimentary valet service. There is also additional free parking in the parking garage behind our building.
How much does treatment cost?
It’s very difficult to give a quote for treatment because each case is specific to the individual patient. For general treatments, if you need an exact amount, we have two options. If you’re due for a cleaning or have several issues that you’d like addressed, we recommend our $99 new patient special. It includes a comprehensive exam, a full mouth x-ray and a cleaning. If you want to focus on one specific issue and you aren’t interested in a cleaning, we can charge $99, and this money will be credited toward your treatment. For cosmetic treatments (veneers, implants, six-month braces, whitening, etc.), we offer a complimentary cosmetic consultation so we can see your specific variables and give you a more exact estimate.
Do you accept insurance?
Yes! And we even offer a complimentary benefits check on your first visit.
How do payment plans and in-house financing work?
Depending on the treatment recommended, your payments will be broken down into a regular schedule. For example, a root canal can be broken up into four payments to be paid over four months. A down payment of 25% is due on the day you schedule your treatment. We do not finance extractions, fillings or initial appointments consisting of an exam, x-rays and cleaning. Please schedule a complimentary consultation to see if you are eligible.
What is Whitening for Life?
Whitening for Life is a program to keep your teeth white and healthy. As long as you visit our office every six months for your cleaning, you will receive free whitening gel for life.
I don’t really like the dentist. Is there anything I can do to relax?
Depending on your level of anxiety, we offer anxious patients sedation dentistry or nitrous oxide. Nitrous oxide is typically all that is needed, as it will help most anxious patients relax enough to make routine dental treatment a pleasant experience.
Why do you need my credit card info?
We have a full schedule, and we want to ensure your appointment time is kept. This is important so that we have sufficient time to provide each patient with the best quality care. Your card will not be charged; instead, a temporary authorization is completed and released. If you do not want to hold your appointment with a credit card, we accept same day appointments Monday through Friday, based on availability.
Why do you need my credit card after a broken appointment?
Our schedule is very busy– we have reserved two hours for your New Patient appointment. When patients skip their appointment without contacting us, we lose valuable time and money. To reserve your next New Patient appointment, we ask for your credit card to ensure you will show up for your appointment. If you do not reschedule 48 hours prior to your appointment time, you will be charged a $50 broken appointment fee.
What if I have an emergency?
If you have an emergency, please call the office during business hours at (678) 673-3374 to schedule an appointment right away. Please submit an appointment request form via our website if it is before or after business hours or the weekend. Someone from our team will call you as soon as we can to schedule your appointment.
What is the difference between a routine cleaning and a deep cleaning?
Routine cleanings are recommended every six months to maintain good oral health and promote longevity of the teeth. A deep cleaning, or scaling and root planing, is performed to treat periodontal disease. We diagnose periodontal disease by taking routine x-rays and by measuring your gum pockets. Gum pockets that are 4mm or greater with bleeding are a symptom of the disease. Certain bacteria in the mouth get into the gum pockets and eat away the bone, causing bone loss to occur. This bacteria can not only cause enough bone loss to make the teeth mobile or loose, but it can also get into the bloodstream and cause other health concerns such as heart disease, stroke or respiratory problems. We treat this infection by using a topical anesthetic to make you comfortable and then cleaning down below the gums along the root structure of the teeth. By doing this deep cleaning, we can make sure your teeth are free of any calculus and infection. After the therapy, you will be given instructions for home care and brought back for a follow-up appointment six weeks later. If our doctor gives you a clean bill of health, you may start your routine maintenance cleanings to keep you in good oral health.
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