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patient with wisdom tooth pain

Need Your Wisdom Teeth Removed? Call Us Today!

Wisdom teeth typically develop in young adults. Wisdom teeth present challenges because they are difficult to keep clean, can be painful or there may not be enough room for them in the mouth. Wisdom teeth are, therefore, highly susceptible to tooth decay, infection and gum disease. About 65% of the population will develop wisdom teeth between the ages of 12 and 15.

wisdom teeth

Fact: Wisdom teeth got their nickname from the age when they typically grow in.

Wisdom teeth are also called the third molars. Why do people refer to them as wisdom teeth? The third molars do not typically erupt until the dental arch becomes larger, which generally occurs around the age of 17 to 25, a time also referred to as the “age of wisdom.”

Wisdom teeth sometimes never erupt and will stay impacted. Those that do erupt can cause pain as they break through the gum tissue. Before any teeth are removed, especially the wisdom teeth, clinical examinations and radiographs should be taken. Wisdom teeth may be close to the mandibular nerve or sinus cavity, and disturbance of these can cause serious issues.

The removal of the wisdom teeth is a surgical procedure, and we often recommended that it be done under conscious sedation. If you or your child is experiencing pain or tenderness, erupted wisdom teeth could be one of many causes. Give us a call, and we will make the proper diagnosis and design the best treatment plan for your problem.

We offer Wisdom Teeth Removal services at all our locations!

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Wisdom teeth removal is typically performed in patients who are in their late teens or early twenties. Wisdom teeth can be removed either proactively or reactively, depending on the circumstances. In some cases, these teeth pose no problems to your existing oral health. However, for many others, pain, inflammation, bone loss, cleaning problems and alignment issues can result if they are allowed to remain. It is never too late to get your wisdom teeth extracted, especially if they are causing you pain.

After your procedure, we will explain any post-operative instructions that will accelerate healing and reduce your discomfort. In most cases, the recovery period is only a few days.

If your wisdom teeth have not erupted yet, your doctor will monitor their progress and determine if they should be proactively removed. Your doctor will use regular x-rays in conjunction with panoramic x-rays to view their growth and formation. He may recommend removal for several reasons, including the presence of inflammation, infection, sinus issues, growth problems or impaction.

If you are an adult that already has your wisdom teeth, you may think you are in the clear. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Even if you had no problems with your wisdom teeth emerging, they could still cause problems later in life. Wisdom teeth are notoriously difficult to keep clean due to their location. They can also affect bridgework or other dental treatments. They do not need to be painful to be an issue; they could be increasing your chances of gum disease and bone loss without any noticeable symptoms.

Contact Pure Dental Health today to schedule your exam at our office to determine if extracting your wisdom teeth is necessary. Let us know what dental insurance you carry, and we will check to see if it is one of the many we accept. For those without adequate coverage or no insurance at all, financing is available for your convenience.

It is never too late to have your wisdom teeth removed. Dr. Scott can examine your back molars and offer recommendations regarding their removal. If they are causing you pain or discomfort, have cavities or are causing inflammation, it may be in your best interest to have them removed before they cause more damage to your oral or general health. We serve families in Atlanta and the greater Fulton County area.

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