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Bad Breath (Halitosis)

Bad breath, also known as halitosis, is extremely common. Many over-the-counter products make unfounded promises about improving bad breath without addressing its causes.

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Oral Hygiene

Tongue scraping is the most important thing we can do to address halitosis. It is the first recommendation we make.

Use electric toothbrushes and water flossers

These tools can help remove the majority of plaque that causes bad breath.

Periodontal Evaluation

Next, we need to check the health of the gums. Unclean gums are the second most common cause of halitosis.

Restorative Dentistry

Removing decay or decayed teeth and restoring them to health will help to eliminate mouth odor.

Diet Changes

Removing any foods that might be causing poor odor is often the next step in improving bad breath.

Evaluation by Primary Care Physician

Ruling out other issues in the sinuses and stomach is often the next step for determining the causes of bad breath.
microscope view of oral bacteria
Microscopic view of oral bacteria
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