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Are Your Teeth Causing Your Headaches? ,

It may seem odd, but if you suffer from recurring headaches the best person to discuss this with may be your dentist. Many people who do not find relief from frequent headaches after visiting their physician and going through treatment often find that they are actually experiencing what are considered to be “dental headaches.” Most dental headaches are classified as tension headaches because they are the result of muscular tension that builds up around the facial and jaw region. There are many different causes of muscular tension in this area, and your dentist can help you pinpoint the exact cause. At Pure Dental Health, we offer the NTI night guard system for patients who suffer from troubling headaches.

Some of the most common causes of dental headaches are grinding the teeth, clenching the jaw, and a misaligned bite. Any of these factors can cause the muscles in the jaw to continually overcompensate or remain taut. Both of these muscle stimulations can cause pain and soreness in the jaw that radiates throughout the jaw. The NTI night guard system is used to help patients find the right alignment of their jaw while they sleep and to prevent clenching or grinding of the teeth. At Pure Dental Health, we are concerned with our patients’ overall health, and we are proud to provide the FDA approved NTI night guard system for the treatment of headaches.

If you suffer from recurring headaches and/or pain in your jaw, please contact Pure Dental Health in Buckhead today. We offer high quality dental care at competitive prices, and we would welcome the opportunity to serve you. If you suffer from headaches, please do not continue to suffer needlessly without talking to Dr. Scott at Pure Dental Health. We look forward to helping you.

Posted on behalf of Pure Dental Health

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