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Tobacco Use and Your Dental Health ,

Tobacco Use and Your Dental Health

It is almost April 1st and Spring is in the air.  This is the time of year when flowers are blooming, the sun is shining, and unfortunately, many people have given up on their New Year’s resolutions from January 1st.  If quitting smoking was one of your New Year’s resolutions this year and you have…

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Three Important Steps Toward Improved Dental Health

Taking care of your teeth has never been as important as it is today.  With people living longer and longer, your teeth have to function much longer than they did in the past.  Taking the time to develop good oral hygiene habits can go a long way in increasing your chances of having healthy teeth,…

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Health News Article- Natural Ways to Fight Tooth Decay

Article Title: Go Natural to Fight Tooth Decay and Halitosis Article Source: Dr Harold Katz on the Huffington Post  Article Review: Through this health news article, researchers review natural tooth care solutions.  From this article, we are able to understand why certain chemicals and additives could be more harmful than beneficial to overall dental health.…

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The Role of Mouth Rinses in Dental Health

It is hard to turn on the television these days without seeing an advertisement for a Mouthwash or Mouth rinse.  Different companies and brands tout different benefits for their mouthwashes ranging from freshening your breath to reducing plaque buildup.  There are many different brands that are available over the counter as well as prescription-only types…

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The Importance of Regular Oral Cancer Screenings

When is the last time you were screened for oral cancer?  If it has been a while, or, if you have never been screened, now is the time.  Most dentists, including Dr. Justin Scott of Pure Dental Health, offer oral cancer screenings as a part of a comprehensive dental examination.  Screening patients for oral cancer…

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Risk Factors for Gum Disease

It is estimated that more than 75% of American Adults have some form of gum disease.  However, according to a major survey, only 60% are aware that they have this problem.  If left untreated, gum disease can lead to serious dental health issues including tooth loss.  That is why it is important to be aware…

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Oral Hygiene and The Risk For Pneumonia

We know that practicing good daily oral hygiene including brushing and flossing your teeth daily leads to improved dental health, however, a recent study shows that it may also be important for maintaining good overall health.  Researchers from Yale University School of Medicine discovered that changes in the mouth bacteria preceded the development of Pneumonia…

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Health News Article- Lowering Dementia Risk with a Toothbrush

Article Title: Brushing Your Teeth May Lower Dementia Risk (And 8 Other Reasons to Brush) Article Source: Huffington Post article from September, 2013 Article Review: Through this article about dental health, additional reasons are listed why you should brush your teeth.  Oral health not only affects your dental health, but it affects multiple areas of your…

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Restoring Smiles With Porcelain

Changing Your Smile with Porcelain You know that the holidays are fast approaching.  With the holidays comes sweets, parties, and plenty of pictures.  Everyone wants to get together to show their pearly whites and holiday spirit, but you are not proud of your smile.  Years of chips and cracks have built up, and your teeth…

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Dental Implants: An Investment in Your Health

If you are like many people with missing teeth, you have probably thought about investing in dental implants but decided that they are too expensive.  As a result, you have settled for removable dentures or some other type of temporary tooth replacement option.  Maybe you were too busy putting kids through college or paying for…

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