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Causes and Treatments for Bad Breath ,

I once heard someone say that, “A good friend is someone who will tell you when you have bad breath.”  Bad breath is a common problem that can be very embarrassing to deal with.  Some cases of bad breath can be caused by eating certain foods such as onions or garlic.  This type of bad breath can be easily dealt with by simply rinsing your mouth and/or brushing your teeth after a meal containing these foods.  Mouthwash, breath mints or gum can also be used if you do not have water or a tooth brush readily available.

Bad breath can also be caused by bacteria in your mouth.  Practicing good oral hygiene such as brushing thoroughly at least twice daily and flossing at least once daily as well as visiting a dentist for regular dental cleanings and checkups can go a long way in eliminating the bacteria that causes bad breath.

In other cases, bad breath can be a sign of a more serious dental health issue including periodontal disease, tooth infections or abscessed teeth.  To effectively treat this type of bad breath, it is necessary to first identify and treat the cause of the problem.  If your bad breath is being caused by periodontal disease, your dentist may recommend an anti-microbial rinse or a deep cleaning process (scaling and root planing).  In severe cases, oral surgery may be required to arrest the progression of periodontal disease.  If your bad breath is being caused by an infected or abscessed tooth, a root canal procedure or even an extraction may be required to eliminate the infection.

Finally, some cases of bad breath can be caused by dry mouth: a common side effect of many medications.  If this is the case, your physician may try to substitute your medication with another type that does not cause dry mouth.  You can also buy products that help to moisten your mouth and apply them throughout the day.

Posted on behalf of Pure Dental Health

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