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Flossing is Not an Option ,

If you want a trim, healthy body then you know that a clean diet and exercise are not options but necessary actions. You also need to know that if you value your teeth and want the most beautiful smile possible – flossing is not an option.

Flossing has long been one of the most hated hygiene chores. Whether it is because it takes too much time and effort, people do not like sticking their fingers in their mouth, they think it’s a gross chore, or they feel that they can simply wait until they visit the dentist for that “dentist clean” feeling – they are headed for danger.

When it comes to your oral health, flossing is more important than brushing. Despite the fact that you have been reminded since you were very young to “go brush your teeth,” the number one thing you should have been doing to take care of your mouth is flossing your teeth. Of course, that is not negating the importance of brushing, but brushing the teeth like only washing the tops of your hands. If you only washed the tops of your hands, you are still leaving an incredible amount of germs on your palms and fingers – just give a few seconds’ thought to what you have touched today, and then think of how dirty your hands are. Yet, if you only washed the tops of your hands, the dirtiest parts of your hands will still remain dirty.

The same is true about brushing and flossing. Brushing your teeth only cleans half of the surfaces of your teeth – front and back. If you only brush your teeth and do not floss them, you are neglecting the two sides that your toothbrush cannot touch. This leaves the sides of your teeth and gums dirty, just like only washing the top side of your hands.

Flossing is the most important step in your oral hygiene routine because it is the only method that you can do at home to get rid of the bacteria laden plaque that forms in between the teeth. Plaque that is not removed regularly (think daily!) can quickly cause gingivitis, gum disease, and even tooth loss.

For a healthy mouth, flossing is just as important as visiting your dentist on a regular basis. The next time you visit Pure Dental Health, feel free to ask for more flossing tips. We are here to ensure that your mouth is as healthy as possible.

Posted on behalf of Pure Dental Health

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