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Gum Recession ,

If you have noticed that your teeth look longer than they used to appear or if you are experiencing tooth sensitivity, your gums may be receding.  Gum recession refers to the process in which the tissues that surround the teeth wear away in the direction of the root.  When this happens, it creates pockets or gaps where more of the root is exposed.  These pockets and gaps are easy places for disease-causing bacteria to build up.  Gum recession is a common problem experienced by many adults and should not be ignored.  If it is left untreated, it can cause significant damage to the bone and tissue surrounding the teeth and can even lead to tooth loss.

Gum recession can be caused by a variety of factors including periodontal disease, aggressive tooth brushing, insufficient dental care, hormonal changes, use of tobacco products and grinding or clenching your teeth.  If you are noticing changes in your gums, it is important to make your dentist aware.  He or she will most likely want to perform a deep cleaning called scaling and root planing.  This process removes the tartar and calculus that has built up in the spaces where the recession has occurred.  Your dentist may also prescribe an antibiotic to treat any infection that is present.  If your gum recession is severe, you may require surgery.  There are three types of gums surgeries that are used to treat severe gum recession:  pocket depth reduction, regeneration and soft tissue graft.  A qualified periodontist will be able to help determine the best surgical procedure for treating your particular situation.

The best way to prevent gum recession is to practice good daily oral hygiene, seek regular dental care, quit smoking and eat a healthy well-balanced diet.  If you think you may have receding gums, schedule an appointment with a qualified dentist today.

Posted on behalf of Pure Dental Health

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