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It is Never Too Late to Improve Your Smile ,

If you are an adult who is not happy with the appearance of your smile, it is never too late to improve it.  Maybe you needed braces as a child but did not have access to orthodontic care.  Perhaps you have chipped a tooth along the way and never took the time to have it repaired.  Even if you have not practiced the best dental hygiene and as a result, have lost teeth due to decay and infection, it is not too late.  Advances in restorative and cosmetic dentistry now make it possible for anyone at any age to have the smile they have always wanted.

If you are an adult with crooked teeth, six-month braces may be a good option for you.  With six-month braces, you can get the esthetic, straightened look you desire in just six-months without wearing traditional braces with unattractive wires and brackets.  The system works by focusing on correcting just the teeth in the front and not making major changes to your bite.  If you have teeth that are chipped, broken, or misaligned, porcelain veneers may be a good option for you.  Porcelain veneers are thin porcelain shells that are laminated to a tooth to create a new surface.  This process can dramatically improve your smile and your overall facial appearance.  Lastly, if your teeth are discolored, teeth whitening can dramatically whiten your teeth giving you a younger, healthier appearance.

Even if you have lost teeth due to decay, infection or trauma, you still have options for improving your smile.  Dental implants are a permanent tooth replacement system that provides for replacement teeth that look, feel and function like natural teeth.  You don’t have to settle for an unattractive smile at any age!  If you are interested in improving the appearance of your smile, contact a qualified dentist in your area to discuss your options for restorative and cosmetic dental care.

Posted on behalf of Pure Dental Health

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