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New Nasal Spray Could Make Dental Anesthesia Injections A Thing of The Past ,

According to recent studies, as many as 75% of the population report some degree of dental phobia.  For many, this fear is centered around dental anesthesia injections.  For most, it is inconceivable to think of undergoing dental procedures such as fillings or root canals without anesthesia injections.  However, for many, the thought of dental anesthesia injections conjures almost as much fear and trepidation as the actual procedure itself.

The good news is that researchers at the University of Buffalo have devised a nasal spray that could replace needles for most procedures.  The nasal spray, Kovacaine Mist, is manufactured by S. Renatus LLC and has been found to be as effective as injectable anesthesia in four out of five patients in clinical studies.  The U. S. Food and Drug Administration is currently conducting safety trials.  If the FDA concludes that it is safe, it could be approved as early as next year.

If this anesthesia mist is approved for treatment, it could have significant implications for dental practices.  By offering a nasal mist in place of injectable anesthesia, dental practices will be able to attract patients who have avoided treatment in the past due to fear of needles.  This could also have a significant impact on the dental health of many Americans.  Failure to receive needed dental care only leads to more serious, painful and expensive dental problems.  If this nasal mist causes patients to seek treatment in a more timely manner, it could significantly increase the dental health of many Americans and reduce the overall cost of dental care.

Posted on behalf of Pure Dental Health

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