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Orthodontic Solutions for Crooked Teeth ,

In the past, if you had crooked, spaced or misaligned teeth and wanted to improve the appearance of your smile, your options were limited.  You could elect to wear traditional metal and wire braces for a year or more, or get porcelain veneers. Traditional metal braces negatively affect your appearance in the short-term and can limit your ability to eat certain foods.  For many working professionals and young adults, this is just not a good option.  Porcelain veneers are a very expensive option making them cost prohibitive for many patients.

Advances in dentistry and orthodontics now make it possible for many patients to get the smiles they have always wanted, in a shorter period of time, at a price they can afford, without having to wear metal braces.  With Six Month Smiles®, you can get a straighter, more beautiful smile in less time than traditional braces and for less money than the cost of porcelain veneers.  This revolutionary system utilizes clear braces to gently align and straighten teeth in an average time of just six months.  They key components of Six Month Smiles® are clear brackets and tooth colored wires and a primary focus on moving the teeth that show when you smile.

If you are an adult (age fifteen or older) with crooked or spaced teeth and are not looking for a major alteration to your bite, you may be eligible for Six Month Smiles®.  Most adults are candidates for this innovative and highly effective procedure.  The only way to find out for sure, is to talk to a certified Six Month Smiles® dentist.

Posted on behalf of Pure Dental Health

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