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Proper Toothbrush Care Equals Better Dental Health ,

Toothbrush care is probably not something you think about very often.  Most of us brush our teeth twice a-day and do not think any further about properly caring for our toothbrushes.  However, taking proper care of your toothbrush can help to improve your overall dental health.  Perhaps we should spend a little more time thinking about it.

To properly care for your toothbrush, you should let it dry between uses so that it will not become a breeding ground for germs, fungus and bacteria.  After use, you should tap it vigorously to get rid of the extra water and then store it upright so it can dry out.

When storing your toothbrush after use, you should make sure that it is not touching any other toothbrushes.  This will prevent the transfer of germs from one toothbrush to another.  Stands that have different slots for different toothbrushes are very helpful in keeping them from touching.

So, how often should you replace your toothbrush?  Most dentists agree that you should replace your toothbrush every three months.  After three months, the bristles start to wear down and are not as effective in removing plaque from your teeth and gums.  If you have a cold, flu, mouth infection or sore throat, you should replace your toothbrush.  This will prevent the germs from causing the sickness to reoccur.

Lastly, when you are traveling, you should make sure that your toothbrush stays covered in transit.  This can be accomplished using a plastic cover that they sell in the drug stores and grocery stores.

For more information about proper toothbrush care, talk to your dentist today.

Posted on behalf of Pure Dental Health

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