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Root Canals ,

Years ago when a person had a severe toothache the tooth was almost always extracted from the mouth. However, thanks to advancements in dental care, that is not the case any longer. Today, root canals are a way to save an infected tooth while also treating the infection. At Pure Dental Health we provide comprehensive dental care to all of our patients including root canal procedures to help patients achieve a healthy smile that will last them for life.

During a root canal procedure the pulp of the tooth, nerves, bacteria, and any decay are removed and the remaining space is filled with a special, medicated material to restore the tooth to its full function. It is very important that a root canal procedure be done as soon as decay or infection is found inside a tooth. Quick care will help to ensure that the tooth will not die and make it necessary for an extraction to be performed. The signs that a tooth has decay and may need a root canal are:

  • Extreme sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures
  • Severe tooth pain
  • Tenderness or swelling
  • An abscess on the gum line

At Pure Dental Health, we provide restorative dental procedures such as root canals in the comfort of our clean, contemporary office. Sedation dentistry is also an option for patients who have fear or anxiety related to having dental work done. At Pure Dental Health, our patients are our highest priority. Everything we do is with you in mind so that you can experience an enjoyable, positive dental experience. If you are experiencing tooth pain, know you need a root canal, or are simply looking for a dental practice to trust – contact Pure Dental Health today. We are currently accepting new patients, and we look forward to working with you.

Posted on behalf of Pure Dental Health

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