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Sedation Dentistry Takes the Fear Out of Dental Treatment ,

It is that time of the year where you see ghosts and goblins, spiders and skeletons lurking around every corner.  Halloween is upon us bringing many reasons to get spooked.  However, visiting the dentist should not be one of those reasons.  Dental phobias are real, but visiting the dentist can actually be a comfortable and pleasant experience, if you choose the right dentist and the right dental practice.

First and foremost, you need to find a dentist and a dental practice that understands dental phobia and provides an environment that is both compassionate and supportive.  Secondly, it is important to find a dentist who will take the time to get to know you and to listen to your dental needs and goals as well as your concerns about receiving dental treatment.

Many progressive dental practices, including Pure Dental Health in Atlanta, now offer Sedation Dentistry.  For many patients, this can be life-changing.  Sedation Dentistry refers to the administration of medications to relax and calm or “sedate” patients during dental procedures.  It requires special training on the part of the dentist and can be used for patients with dental phobias, fear of needles, sensitive teeth, severe gag reflexes or any other issues that make it difficult to receive dental care.  These medications put you in a state of semi-consciousness where you can still breath on your own and respond to simple commands, but you are very relaxed.  After the medications wear off, you may not even remember the whole experience.

If you have put off needed dental care in the past due to fear, today is a new day!  Call and schedule an appointment with Pure Dental Health or a Sedation Dentist in your local area.  Putting off needed dental treatment will only lead to more serious oral health issues and can even lead to tooth loss.  With Sedation Dentistry, there is nothing to fear.  As far as the Halloween goblins and ghouls…can’t help you with that one!

Posted on behalf of Pure Dental Health

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