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The Rising Popularity of Adult Braces ,

An increasing number of adults in the United States are rushing to the Orthodontist to get braces proving that it is never too late to improve your smile.  What are the options for adults with crooked teeth?  There are many.  Traditional metal braces are often used for adults and are particularly effective when there are major bite problems involved.  However, the cost (an average of $4,800 according to the October Journal of Clinical Orthodotics) and time commitment involved coupled with the “metal mouth” look causes many adults to steer clear of traditional metal braces. Often, adults with crooked teeth or less-than-perfect smiles will opt for clear or ceramic braces.

Another good option for adults who desire straighter teeth in less time is short-term orthodontics or “six-month smiles.”  Six-month braces can allow you to get the esthetic, straightened look you desire in just six-months. This is done by mainly focusing on just the teeth in the front and not making major changes to your bite.  It is similar to traditional braces but is much more esthetic as it uses white wire and white braces.

If you missed out on the chance to correct your teeth as a child, it is not too late.  There are several options available to you.  If you would like more information about the options available for straightening your teeth, contact a qualified Dentist in your local area.  He or she can go over the advantages and disadvantages of each type of braces and help you select the method that most closely suits your needs as well as your budget.

Posted on behalf of Pure Dental Health

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