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This New Year’s Eve, Resolve to Improve The Health and Appearance of Your Smile ,

Happy New Year!  Today is that special day of the year when we reflect back on the year we have had and make resolutions for the coming year.  It is a great time to make a fresh start and to initiate habits and lifestyle changes that will benefit your health and quality of life.  It is also a great time to get started on achieving a healthier, more beautiful and confident smile.  Maybe you have been wanting to improve your smile for a while, and have considered cosmetic dentistry, but just have not gotten around to scheduling a consultation.  Or, maybe you just did not want to spend the money.  Well, now is the time to do it!

Maybe your teeth are a little yellowed and dingy from age, smoking, tobacco use or from drinking coffee, tea and/or red wine. If so, teeth whitening may dramatically improve the appearance of your smile.  If you are unhappy with the shape or length of your teeth, or if you have gaps or unevenly spaced teeth, porcelain veneers may be a good cosmetic dental solution for you.  If your teeth are crooked or misaligned, you may want to talk to your dentist about adult braces.  Today there are many orthodontic alternatives to traditional metal braces.  One of these solutions may be right for you.  If you are missing teeth, you may be good candidate for a bridge, partial denture or dental implants.  Or, maybe you need a combination of cosmetic dental services or a complete smile makeover to help you achieve your goal.

Whatever the case, the experts at Pure Dental Health can help.  Call our office today and schedule a consultation with Dr. Justin Scott to find out which services will best help you attain your goal of a healthier, more beautiful and confident smile.  We wish you a very happy and healthy New Year!

Posted on behalf of Pure Dental Health

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