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Three Important Steps Toward Improved Dental Health ,

Taking care of your teeth has never been as important as it is today.  With people living longer and longer, your teeth have to function much longer than they did in the past.  Taking the time to develop good oral hygiene habits can go a long way in increasing your chances of having healthy teeth, for life.

There are three important steps you can take to improve your oral health.  The first is to brush thoroughly at least twice daily.  Brushing your teeth helps to prevent infection and decay by preventing harmful bacteria from building up on the surfaces of your teeth.  It can also help to prevent Periodontal disease, the leading cause of tooth loss in the United States.  The second step is to floss your teeth thoroughly at least one time per day.  Most dentists agree that flossing your teeth is just as important or perhaps more important than brushing them.  Flossing helps to remove food, debris and bacteria from the spaces in between your teeth.  These areas are hard to reach without the use of dental floss.  The third is to visit your dentist regularly for routine dental cleanings and checkups.  This important time can be used to detect problems such as tooth decay or infections before they turn into serious dental health issues.  It is also an important time to screen for oral cancer.  Dental X-rays can also be used to diagnose problems that cannot be detected during a routine dental examination.

Even with the best of care, tooth loss is a reality for many American adults.  The good news is that there are now many effective solutions for replacing missing teeth.  Dental implants provide a fixed solution to missing teeth that allow for replacement teeth that look, feel and function like natural teeth. If you are missing a tooth or multiple teeth, talk to your dentist today about the most appropriate tooth replacement system to suit your needs.

Posted on behalf of Pure Dental Health

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