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woman with tooth pain

Are you in dental pain? Call us and we will see you ASAP.

What is a Toothache?
A toothache usually refers to pain around the teeth or jaws and is primarily a result of a dental condition. In most instances, toothaches are caused by tooth problems, such as a dental cavity, a cracked tooth, exposed tooth root or gum disease. Disorders of the jaw joint can also cause pain that can be mistaken as a toothache. The severity of a toothache can range from mild to sharp and excruciating. The pain may be aggravated by chewing, cold or heat. A thorough oral examination, including dental x-rays, can help determine the cause of the toothache and whether it is coming from a tooth or jaw problem.

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Tooth pain can be caused by a wide range of issues, including a cracked tooth, decay, tooth infection, bone infection, recession, improper filling or restoration, and many other reasons.

Innovative Technology

Traditional panoramic x-rays are fantastic; however, they have limitations because they show a 3-dimensional object on a flat, 2-dimensional x-ray.

Pure Dental Health uses 3D x-ray machines. Cone-beam technology allows us to see your dental anatomy as it actually exists. We use 3D x-rays when we are placing dental implants, identifying potentially cracked teeth, diagnosing infection, and many other instances where 3D images are helpful.

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Two Convenient Locations With Extended Hours

You can call us from 7 AM to 5 PM, Monday through Friday, to schedule an appointment.

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