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Tooth Replacement:  What Are My Options? ,

According to the most recent National Health and Nutrition Examination (NHANES) Survey, (1999-2004), tooth loss in the United States has declined since 1970.  However, despite advances in dental hygiene and dental techniques, tooth loss remains a problem for many Americans.

An adult should have 28 permanent teeth, excluding the wisdom teeth.  In the 1999-2004 NHANES Survey, the average number of remaining teeth for adults between the ages of 20-34 years was 26.9.  For adults ages 35-49 years-old, the average number of remaining teeth was 25.05 and for adults age fifty to sixty-four years, it was 22.30 teeth.  These numbers show that even many young adults have lost at least one tooth by age 34.  As you get older, the likelihood of losing one or more of your permanent teeth is even greater.

So why are American adults losing their permanent teeth?  The most common reason is periodontal (gum) disease.  Tooth loss may also be caused by  infections, tooth decay and trauma.  As always, practicing good daily oral hygiene is the best way to avoid tooth loss.  This includes brushing thoroughly at least two times per day and flossing at least once daily.  It is also important to see a dentist every six-months for professional cleanings and exams.  Refraining from smoking or using other tobacco products is also a good way to decrease your chances of tooth loss.

Even with a healthy lifestyle and good oral hygiene, tooth loss is still a reality for some patients.  So what are the available tooth replacement options?  Pure Dental Health offers a variety of effective solutions for missing teeth including dental implants, Dentca Dentures, bridges and partial dentures.   All of these options can be used effectively to replace missing teeth but some have certain advantages over others.  Dr. Justin Scott can help you determine which option is best suited for your dental needs, your lifestyle and your budget.

Posted on behalf of Pure Dental Health

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