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Tooth Sensitivity ,

Have you ever noticed that you tend to chew only on one side of your mouth? Does eating a bowl of ice cream or drinking a large glass of ice water cause a jolt of pain in? Or do you let your morning coffee cool way down before you try to enjoy it? If you answered yes to any of these questions because of the reaction your teeth have – you may be experiencing tooth sensitivity, and it is having a negative effect on your life.

Teeth that are highly sensitive to hot and/or cold temperatures should be brought to your dentist’s attention. While the majority of cases of tooth sensitivity are caused by common factors, there are many cases that a highly sensitive tooth can be an indicator of a serious oral health issue. Having your dentist give a proper evaluation will determine the underlying cause of your sensitive teeth.

In most cases tooth sensitivity is caused by the dentin of the tooth being worn down or exposed. Brushing the teeth too aggressively can wear down the tooth enamel and can cause the gums to recede from the teeth. Both of these reveal sensitive nerves that experience a jolt of sharp pain when exposed to hot or cold temperatures. Taking care to brush your teeth gently with circular brushing strokes will allow the gum line to heal and begin to lower back over the teeth. It is advised that those with sensitive teeth use toothpaste that is specifically designed to reduce sensitivity. The ingredients help to desensitize the teeth, but it requires regular usage before significant improvement is achieved.

Other ways to easily improve your tooth sensitivity is to adjust your habits. Avoiding acidic foods such as citrus fruits and drinks, carbonated beverages, and sugary drinks and foods can help relieve the symptoms of sensitive teeth. Also, if you have the habit of crunching on ice, you need to make the decision to stop ASAP. Crunching down on ice causes tiny cracks in the tooth enamel, which is damaging to anyone. However, those tiny cracks will further affect tooth sensitivity because temperature changes in the mouth will causes these cracks to expand and contract, exposing sensitive teeth even more.

Pure Dental Health is here in Buckhead to help you find relief from your tooth sensitivity. Call us today and let us help you find the relief you need.

Posted on behalf of Pure Dental Health

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