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woman under sedation

This type of anesthesia is typically used for major operations and not commonly used in dentistry.

General anesthesia is rarely used in dentistry and must involve an anesthesiologist because you will be put to sleep and unconscious. There will be a tube placed in your throat to help you breathe and the anesthesiologist will monitor and control your heart rate, blood pressure, breathing and other vital signs.

After the surgery, you will be brought back to consciousness and monitored. Many people feel nausea, vomiting and chills, as well as a scratchy throat.


You typically would need to be in a hospital to have general anesthesia. This type of anesthesia is generally used for major operations such as knee or hip replacements, open-heart surgery and facial reconstructions after a severe injury.

It is best to fully explore other options of sedation for all general dentistry, including wisdom teeth extractions, implants, root canals, sinus lifts and more. General sedation will only be used with extreme facial injuries and rare complicated cases.

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