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What is a Dead Tooth? ,

Many people are surprised that they can have a dead tooth within their mouth because they often do not understand how their teeth are alive in the first place. Teeth are made up of three different layers – the pulp, the dentin, and the enamel. While the enamel is the white layer that is revealed to the world with a friendly smile, the dentin and pulp are what the teeth need to sustain life. Decay, serious gum disease, and trauma to the mouth can all cause a dead tooth.

When you have a cavity in a tooth, it is a result of acid producing bacteria eating a small hole in your tooth enamel. Most people have this issue easily corrected with a dental filling, and no other damage to the tooth occurs. However, if you choose to ignore a cavity it can quickly fester and develop into a very serious dental issue. When the acid producing bacteria are not removed from a cavity, it will continue to eat its way to the inner layers of the tooth. This will cause irreversible damage, not to mention extreme sensitivity and dental pain. If the infection is allowed to reach the pulp of the tooth, it can destroy the blood vessels, cutting the tooth off from its life supply. A dead tooth is simply a tooth that no longer receives a constant supply of blood, and as with all other living tissues, it will die almost immediately.

A dead tooth is also commonly caused by dental injury or trauma to the mouth. One of the most dreaded accidents involves a tooth that has been knocked out. When a permanent tooth is knocked from its socket, it is immediately severed from the nerve fibers and blood vessels keeping it alive. There are instances when a knocked out tooth can be placed inside the mouth and it will connect back to the broken blood vessels, but this requires immediate dental intervention. If you or a loved one have a tooth knocked out, it is imperative that you seek dental attention for any hope of restoration.

At Pure Dental Health, we are here to help you avoid a dead tooth by providing complete and comprehensive dental care. With regular checkups and cleanings, you can prevent cavities from occurring, or they can be caught early on and treated. For injury or trauma to the mouth, we provide excellent tooth restoration and are here for your comfort and continued dental health.

Posted on behalf of Pure Dental Health

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