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What To Do About Your Silver Amalgam Fillings ,

If you have old silver amalgam fillings in your mouth, you may be wondering whether or not you should have them removed and replaced with another type of filling material such as composite resin or porcelain.  You may have heard about the safety concerns surrounding silver amalgam fillings due to the fact that they contain Mercury: a powerful neurotoxin.  At certain levels, exposure to Mercury can cause neurological issues, autoimmune disease, chronic illnesses and mental disorders.  The important question to ask is whether or not the quantity of Mercury vapor in our silver amalgam fillings and a constant exposure poses a significant health risk.  This question is currently being debated among dental professionals all over the world.

In the past, silver amalgam was the primary material used to fill dental cavities.  This is because silver amalgam is relatively inexpensive compared to other materials and is extremely durable.  In the past, most people were not aware of the fact that silver amalgam fillings contain Mercury.  Today, most people are aware of this fact and are also aware of the risks associated with Mercury exposure.  For this reason, many people are opting for dental fillings made from different materials such as composite resin and porcelain.  Others are choosing theses options because composite resin and porcelain fillings can both be made to closely match the color of your teeth for a more natural and attractive appearance.

If you are worried about your old silver amalgam fillings and are interested in having them removed and replaced with materials that do not contain Mercury, talk to your dentist today.  If you do decide to have them removed, it is important that you visit a dentist who is familiar with this process and follows the guidelines established to protect you from exposure to Mercury vapor while they are being removed.

Posted on behalf of Pure Dental Health

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