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You Can Get Whiter Teeth and a More Beautiful Smile ,

Have you noticed that everyone’s teeth seem to be getting whiter and whiter?  It is no longer just movie stars and models who have perfectly white teeth.  Now it is your child’s teachers, your banker, your doctor and everyone else around you.  Why is this?  It is because advances in tooth whitening technology have made it possible for virtually everyone to achieve whiter teeth.  And, our ideal is changing since so many people are taking advantage of the opportunity to whiten their teeth.  Well, if you are feeling left out on this popular trend, it is not too late.  You too can achieve whiter teeth and a more beautiful smile.

The first step in achieving whiter teeth is to talk to your dentist.  Whitening your teeth under the supervision of your dentist is the best way to achieve maximal results and to ensure that your teeth are not harmed in the process.  There are a variety of teeth whitening methods that can be used to help you achieve your goals.  There are take-home kits that you can use to whiten your teeth over time.  Their are also a variety of in-office treatments that can be performed in a little more than an hour in the dentists office and provide more immediate results. However, if your tooth discoloration is severe or due to certain factors, these treatments may not be suited for your particular case.  In this case, porcelain veneers or dental crowns may be recommended to help you achieve your goal.  Whatever the case, your dentist can recommend the most appropriate treatment based on your dental history, the cause and severity of your tooth discoloration and your lifestyle and personal goals.

Whitening your teeth can dramatically improve your appearance and make you appear years younger.  If you are feeling embarrassed or self-conscious about your smile due to tooth discoloration or if you just want to achieve a brighter, more beautiful smile, talk to your dentist today about your options for whitening your teeth.

Posted on behalf of Pure Dental Health

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