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Treatments for Periodontal Disease ,

Treatments for Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease (gum disease) is a common dental health problem affecting many Americans.  When plaque and tartar is left on teeth it provides the right conditions for bacteria to growth.  The bacteria irritates the gums and may make them bleed easily.  This condition is called Gingivitis.  If left untreated, Gingivitis can progress to a more…

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Dental Headache Treatments

If you suffer from chronic headaches or even migraines, you may want to talk to your dentist.  Many times, chronic headaches or migraines are caused by clenching or grinding your teeth at night when you sleep.  You may not even realize that you are doing it.  A dentist can examine your teeth and help determine…

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Dental Implants Vs. Dentures

If you are currently missing teeth, is important that you replace them to restore the  form and function of you smile and to protect your dental health.  Failure to replace missing teeth can lead to painful and expensive oral health issues including periodontal disease and bone loss.  Also, if a missing tooth is not replaced,…

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Restoring the Function and Appearance of Your Smile

You smile creates a lasting first impression and has a dramatic affect on your appearance as well as your self-confidence.  If you have dental health issues that are affecting both the function and appearance of your smile, there are many restorative and cosmetic dental procedures that can be used to restore your smile and your…

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Pregnancy Gingivitis

If you are pregnant and have noticed changes in your gums, you could be experiencing a condition called “Pregnancy Gingivitis”. Pregnancy Gingivitis can occur as early as the second month of pregnancy and can cause symptoms such as red, swollen and bleeding gums.  Symptoms usually peak around month eight of pregnancy and go away once…

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Cosmetic Dental Fillings

If you have a mouth full of metal fillings, you may want to consider having them replaced with tooth colored cosmetic dental fillings.  Advances in dental techniques and materials now make it possible to restore decayed teeth without negatively affecting the appearance of your smile.  Many dentists offer fillings made of ceramic and plastic compounds…

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Untreated Cavities in the United States

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that there are fewer cavities in the United States today than there were twenty years ago, however, for some groups of Americans, cavities or “dental caries” remain a problem.  Failure to seek restorative dental treatment for cavities can lead to more serious oral health issues including infections,…

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Options For Pain Relief During Dental Treatment

If visiting the dentist for a procedure such as a a root canal, crown or filling makes you full of fear and dread, you may not need to worry.  Today, dentists offer several different options for pain relief ranging from just a local anesthesia to numb the area of treatment to complete unconscious sedation.  It…

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Gum Recession

Brushing your teeth at least twice daily is an important part of an oral health plan and can  help to prevent both tooth decay and gum disease.  However, brushing your teeth too hard and/or using the improper technique can actually cause damage to your gums and cause them to recede.  Gum recession is the process…

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Tooth Replacement Options

Despite advances in dentistry and oral hygiene, tooth loss remains a problem for many people in the United States.  Tooth loss can be an embarrassing problem affecting your confidence, your self-esteem and your overall quality of life.  It can also cause serious dental problems such as gum disease and bone loss.  If you are missing…

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