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Bacterium That Causes Gum Disease Also Destroys Bone In The Jaw ,

Bacterium That Causes Gum Disease Also Destroys Bone In The Jaw

For years we have known that bacteria in the mouth causes gum disease or periodontitis.  However, the specific bacterium was not identified until recently.  Recently, this bacterium was identified as NI1060.  A new study conducted by researchers at the University of Michigan and published in the journal Cell Host and Microbe, reports that NI1060 not…

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BPA Exposure May Be Harmful To Children’s Teeth

Bisphenol A (BPA) is a chemical compound that is used in the composition of plastics and resins.  It is currently used in the manufacturing of many brands of plastic cups, food containers and baby bottles in the United States and many other countries.  Many public health officials have become concerned that exposure to BPA may…

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Children and Untreated Cavities in the U.S.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 19% of children between the ages of two and nineteen have untreated dental caries (cavities).  The statistics show that approximately the same percentage of boys and girls have untreated cavities and that the percentages of cavities is higher in black and Hispanic children…

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Causes and Treatments for Bad Breath

I once heard someone say that, “A good friend is someone who will tell you when you have bad breath.”  Bad breath is a common problem that can be very embarrassing to deal with.  Some cases of bad breath can be caused by eating certain foods such as onions or garlic.  This type of bad…

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Exercise and Your Oral Health

We all know that exercise is good for us.  Exercise is good for your cardiovascular health.  It is also good for your mental health as exercising releases endorphins which can help to reduce your stress level.  The fact that exercise is good for your overall health is pretty widely known but did you know that…

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Fluoride and the Risk for Tooth Decay

Most of us are aware of the fact that Fluoride helps to reduce the risk of tooth decay.  This is why fluoride is often added to water as well as toothpastes and mouth rinses.  Many dental practices across the United States also offer professional Fluoride treatments as an important part of a preventive dental treatment…

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Tooth Loss in the Georgia

Despite advances in dental technology and improved access to education regarding oral hygiene, tooth loss remains a problem for many people in the United States.  So how does the state of Georgia compare to other states when it comes to tooth loss?  According to the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention,  Georgia is ranked #9…

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Smokeless Tobacco and Your Risk For Oral Cancer

If you are currently using smokeless tobacco, you are putting your oral health and your overall health at risk. Smokeless tobacco is one of the leading causes of oral cancers: very aggressive cancers that form in the mouth and throat.  If not detected early and aggressively treated, these forms of cancers are associated with very…

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Composite Resin Fillings: A Great Alternative to Amalgam Fillings

Dental amalgam is a mixture of metals consisting of liquid Mercury and a powdered alloy composed of silver, tin and copper that is used to fill cavities caused by tooth decay.  It has been used for more than 150 years in hundreds of millions of patients because it is extremely durable and is less expensive…

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Looking For A Smart Way To Pay For Routine Dental Healthcare?

We all know how important it is to take care of your teeth.  That is why it is vitally important to visit your dentist for routine dental healthcare.  It is recommended that most people visit the dentist every six months for a dental cleaning and examination.  If you have issues with your dental health such…

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