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Cosmetic Dental Solutions for Gapped Teeth ,

What do Lauren Hutton, Madonna and Anna Paquin have in common besides the fact that they are all famous?  The answer is that they all have gaps in the front of their teeth. Many people are born with spaces in between their two front teeth, however, most people are not as comfortable with this look as these three famous stars.  Although it is possible to pull of this look with style, most people with gaps in the front of their teeth are not currently happy with the appearance of their smile.  Thankfully, there are several cosmetic dental solutions that can be used to fix gapped teeth.

Braces have always been an effective solution for people with gapped teeth, however, traditional metal braces pose a number of challenges for most adults.  Most adults do not want to spend a year or more with a mouth full of metal.  Today, there are a number of orthodontic solutions that can be used as an attractive alternative to traditional metal braces.  Six Month Smiles® is a short-term orthodontic solution that can be used to fix gapped teeth.  Six Month Smiles® utilizes specialized, clear braces to gently straighten and align teeth in a average time of just six months.  The system works by focusing only on the teeth that show when you smile, sometimes referred to as the “cosmetic zone.”  Since they often cost less than traditional braces and can be completed in less time, Six Month Braces® are a perfect solution for many people with gapped teeth.

Porcelain Veneers are another cosmetic dental solution that can be used to fix teeth that are gapped in the front.  Porcelain Veneers are extremely thin shells that can be laminated to the front surface of teeth to improve their appearance.  In addition to gapped teeth, porcelain veneers can also be used to improve the appearance of teeth that are misaligned, too short or severely discolored.  Porcelain veneers have an advantage over orthodontic solutions because they do not require an extended treatment time.

Pure Dental Health in Midtown Atlanta is pleased to offer a variety of advanced cosmetic dental solutions that can be used to fix gapped teeth.  If the gap in the front of your teeth is not working for you and you want to improve the appearance of your smile, call our office today and schedule an appointment with Dr. Justin Scott.

Posted on behalf of Pure Dental Health

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