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What are the levels of sedation?

The level of sedation a patient experiences depends on a variety of things such as the type of procedures, your age, medications taken, medical condition and health habits. The main levels of sedation are:

Minimal (Local Anesthesia & Nitrous Gas)
Minimal sedation will help you relax, but you will likely be awake. You’ll understand questions your doctor is asking and be able to answer as well as follow directions. This level of sedation is typically used when your doctor needs you to be involved in the procedure and is similar to the feeling after having a few drinks of alcohol.
Mild (Oral Sedation)
You will feel drowsy and may even fall asleep during the procedure. You may or may not remember some of the procedure.
Moderate (IV Sedation)
You won’t actually be unconscious, but you will most likely sleep through the procedure and probably will have little or no memory of it.

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The anesthesia you receive depends on the procedure you are having done, your health and your preference.
All types of anesthesia used in dentistry are administered to keep you comfortable and pain-free during dental procedures and surgeries such as fillings, extractions, crowns and root canals. There are differences between each type of anesthesia.

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