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Dental Implants Save Money and Improve Quality of Life ,

A new report published as the lead article in the International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants concludes that dental implants are a cost-effective alternative to traditional treatments for missing teeth.  The report is based on a systematic review of all available studies published in English between 2000 and 2010 relating to the cost-effectiveness of various tooth replacement options.  Fourteen studies pertaining to long-term costs were included in the review.  The review cited the following conclusions:

  1. For single tooth replacement, dental implants were generally cost-saving or cost-effective in comparison with dental bridges.
  2. For patients with full dentures, dental implants represented a higher initial cost, however, over time, dental implants represent a cost-effective treatment option.  In addition, patient satisfaction, acceptance and willingness to pay for dental implants were high, particularly in the elderly population.

The conclusion of this analysis confirms what many patients with dental implants already know:  dental implants provide for replacement teeth that look feel and function like natural teeth.  Unlike dentures, dental implants are not associated with bone loss and do not require patients to modify their diets and to eliminate foods that are harder to chew.  Because dental implants look and function like natural teeth, they allow patients to once again eat the foods they desire and smile, speak and laugh with confidence.

If you are tired of wearing dentures or a dental bridge and would like to get more information about dental implants, talk to a qualified implants dentist in your local area today.  Most people with missing teeth are candidates for this life-changing tooth replacement option.

Posted on behalf of Pure Dental Health

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