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Partial Dentures and Bone Loss ,

If you are currently wearing partial dentures to replace missing teeth, you may not be aware of the fact that you are actually losing bone.  Partial dentures exert pressure on the gum and bone causing bone loss in the area of the jaw where the dentures rest.  This affects the fit of the dentures in your mouth and makes them more uncomfortable, difficult and painful to wear.  An ill-fitting denture is at risk for clicking, slipping and even falling out.

For these reasons and more, partial dentures are no longer considered by many to be an ideal solution for replacing missing teeth.  Instead, dental implants are being used by many Dentists to provide a long-lasting, fixed solution that enables patients to laugh, eat, smile and speak with confidence.  Dental implants are a revolutionary tooth replacement system that provides for replacement teeth that look, feel and function like natural teeth. With an effective rate of between 95% and 98%, dental implants are the most advanced treatment for missing teeth in existence today.

Most patients with missing teeth are candidates for this advanced treatment. The process involves inserting prosthetic (titanium) screws into a patient’s jawbone to take the place of missing tooth roots.  Once the jawbone has been allowed to heal and the screws are securely anchored into the jawbone, crowns, bridges or fixed partial dentures can be attached to the implants to take the place of missing teeth.  Dental implants are actually fused into the jawbone therefore they do not cause bone loss and can even help to preserve bone in the jaw.

Dental implants have been used effectively to restore the smiles and improve the confidence of patients all over the world.  If you are currently wearing partial dentures and are interested in finding out if you are a candidate for dental implants, contact a qualified dental implants Dentist in your local area.

Posted on behalf of Pure Dental Health

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