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Teeth Whitening:  Which Method is Right For Me? ,

If you have ever cruised the aisles of the drugstore looking for teeth whitening products, you probably noticed that there are a myriad of options out there.  Teeth whitening is currently the most popular cosmetic procedure in the United States.  That is because everyone wants to have a whiter, more beautiful smile.    There is no doubt that removing stains from your teeth and brightening your smile can dramatically improve your overall appearance and give you a more youthful look, however, all teeth whitening methods are not the same.  Some over-the-counter methods are simply not very effective and others can actually be harmful to your oral health.  For this reason, The American Dental Association recommends that you whiten your teeth under the supervision of a dentist.

One of the benefits of whitening your teeth under the supervision of a dentist is the fact that he or she can help you select the safest, most effective method to suit your particular circumstances.  He or she can closely monitor your oral health to make sure it is not being compromised in the process.

The dentist and staff from Pure Dental Health are committed to helping patients achieve whiter, brighter smiles while at the same time protecting their dental health.  Our whitening for life program provides each of our patients with free set of whitening trays to be used at home on an ongoing basis.  In addition, we offer free whitening solution every time you visit our office for a dental cleaning and exam for as long as you remain a patient in our practice.

If you are interested in whitening your teeth, please call Pure Dental Health today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Justin Scott.  Dr. Scott will be happy to examine your teeth, review your dental history and help determine which teeth whitening method best suits your needs, your lifestyle and your budget.  You are going to love your smile!

Posted on behalf of Pure Dental Health

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