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Toothaches:  Common Causes and Treatments ,

You are sitting at your office or at your son’s baseball game and suddenly you get a sharp pain in your tooth.  A few hours later, you have a dull or sometimes severe toothache.  What is causing your tooth pain and what should you do about it?

Toothaches are a common yet painful condition and can be caused by a variety of reasons including tooth decay, infection or trauma.  If you experience a persistent or severe toothache, it is a sign that something is going on with your dental health and should not be ignored.  If you are away from home or your dentist’s office is closed, you can try applying ice and taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications.  This however, will only treat your symptoms and will not fix the problem or make the pain go away permanently.  If you continue to ignore or just treat the symptoms, your tooth pain will only worsen over time.  To get lasting relief, it is necessary to identify and treat the source of the problem.  This will also prevent even more serious, painful and expensive dental problems from occurring.

An infection in the pulp and nerve located on the inside of a tooth is one of the most common reasons for persistent or severe tooth pain.  This can be caused by serious tooth decay, multiple procedures on a tooth or tooth trauma.  In this case, a root canal procedure may be required.  A root canal is a procedure performed by a dentist or Endodontist.  It involves removing the infected pulp and nerve from the center of the tooth, cleaning the area and then sealing it off to prevent further infection.

If you have persistent or severe tooth pain, don’t risk your long-term dental health by delaying or failing to seek treatment.  Call and schedule an appointment with your dentist today so you can get on the road to relief!

Posted on behalf of Pure Dental Health

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