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What Is A Root Canal Procedure? ,

Nothing strikes fear in the hearts of men and women more than a root canal procedure.  For some reason, this highly effective dental procedure that can be used to treat a tooth that has become infected or is severely decayed has received a bad reputation.  Most people think that root canals are really painful when, in fact, a root canal procedure is used to eliminate the pain being caused by an infected tooth.  Although most people fear a root canal, most are not really certain what is involved.

A root canal procedure is a dental treatment that is used to restore and/or save a tooth that has an infection in the nerve and pulp contained in the center of the tooth.    The procedure involves removing the infected nerve and pulp from the center of the tooth, cleaning the area and then sealing it to prevent further infection.  Before a root canal procedure, your dentist will administer a local anesthetic using an injection at the site of the affected tooth.  This will serve to numb the area.  You may also receive either inhaled or oral sedative medications to help you relax during the procedure and to prevent pain.

In most cases, the recovery from a root canal procedure is quick and involves minimal pain.  Most people are able to manage the pain with over-the-counter, NSAID medications.  In some cases, prescription pain pills may be prescribed.  You should let your dentist/Endodontist know if you are experiencing significant pain after a root canal procedure as this may be a sign of a complication.

The bottom line is that there is no need to fear a root canal procedure.  The worst thing you can do is fail to seek treatment for an infected tooth as this can lead to serious complications such as an abscessed tooth and even tooth loss.

Posted on behalf of Pure Dental Health

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